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Module 9: Networks on the web – professional and social

Social Networking - it's everywhere and almost unavoidable. In the teaching profession, is there a way to utilise social networking in the classroom? Or would we be inviting them into a world beyond their maturity (depending on age groups) where they would leave lasting marks on their digital footprint? From a teaching perspective the question becomes, which of these social and professional networking tools could enhance the learning in my classroom, and how?

Scootle is a website that provides teachers with access to digital curriculum resources and is managed by the ESA (Education Servies Australia). Scootle is a tool that provides teachers with easy ways to find, organise and use digital resources in the classroom. For example, presentations can be done and shared, even collaborative projects. I could see that Scootle could be used to introduce a topic in the classroom, with students learning ideas and styles of presenting. Web 2.0 features and allow you to connect, share and collaborate are always useful. 

Professionally, I most definitely use Facebook. There is a fabulous article HERE on 'The Why and How of using Facebook for Educators - no need to be friends at all'! For secondary age students, there is a real need to make your students 21st Century Digital Citizens. In fact, teaching appropriate online behaviour starts at a very young age. However, seeing as I teach younger students, I focus on the latter cyber awareness and leave Facebook to my professional development. I have 'joined' a number of fabulous teaching groups on Facebook that provide me with regular and inspiring updates. Everything from professional considerations to practical classroom applications. For example, 'Teachers Pay Teachers'. 

A wonderful article I came across whilst undertaking reading for this unit, is from Edutopia, 'A Guide Book for Social Media in the Classroom' (link provided below). Expanding upon my point above concerning our obligation to develop awareness, this article highlights the need to differentiate between social media and socialising. Also, at the young age group I teach with, it's not necessarily about bringing the popular social media sites into the classroom but about providing students with the skills. For example class blogs such as Edmodo can let you mimic social media whilst developing competencies and writing techniques.

We cannot avoid facing the 21st century - social media is here to stay. What we have to learn to do is adapt our thinking and view it as the resource it could become to aid learning objectives, not a distraction from them. Social media is a tool as I expressed at the outset that can help to make for a more engaging classroom. 

Image and fabulous article located HERE


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